Write For Us:

Do you have a passion for storytelling, a unique perspective on current events, or insights that you want to share with a wider audience? NY Weekly is always looking for fresh voices and contributors who are eager to join our community of writers.

Why Write for Us?

At NY Weekly Info, we aim to inform, inspire, and ignite conversations. We cover a wide range of topics including news, culture, entertainment, business, lifestyle, and more. Whether you’re an experienced journalist, an aspiring writer, or a subject matter expert, we welcome contributions from those who have something meaningful to say.

What We’re Looking For:

  • Unique Perspectives: We value original ideas and fresh insights. Share your viewpoint on trending topics, current events, and matters that you are passionate about.
  • Engaging Content: Our readers appreciate well-researched, well-written articles that are engaging, informative, and thought-provoking. We love stories that offer depth, are backed by facts, and resonate with our audience.
  • Diverse Topics: Whether it’s news, politics, culture, technology, lifestyle, or personal essays, we welcome a broad spectrum of content as long as it’s relevant and well-written.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Original Content: All submissions must be original and not published elsewhere. We do not accept plagiarism or heavily recycled content.
  2. Word Count: Articles should generally be between 800-1500 words. However, we are open to longer pieces if the subject matter warrants it.
  3. Tone and Style: Our tone is professional yet accessible. We encourage clear, concise writing that is easy to follow. Avoid overly technical jargon unless necessary and ensure your points are easy to understand.
  4. Formatting: Please submit your articles in a clear and organized format, using subheadings where appropriate. Bullet points and short paragraphs can help with readability.
  5. Citations: If your article references any statistics, studies, or quotes from other sources, please include proper citations.
  6. Bio and Links: Include a short bio (2-3 sentences) with your submission, along with any relevant links to your social media profiles or personal websites.

How to Submit:

Send your article pitches or completed pieces to Nyweeklyinfo@gmail.com with the subject line “NY Weekly Submission.” We will review your submission and respond within 7-10 business days. If your article is accepted, we will notify you with the expected publication date.

What’s in it for You?

  • Exposure: Get your work published on a platform with a diverse and engaged audience.
  • Build Your Portfolio: Perfect for writers looking to build their portfolio or gain bylines in the digital media space.
  • Creative Freedom: We respect the creativity of our contributors and allow them to express their unique voices.

Join Our Community

At NY Weekly Info, we believe in the power of words to inform, challenge, and inspire. If you have a story to tell, we’d love to hear from you. Become a part of our growing network of writers today!

So what are you waiting for? Contact Us Today.